1. | Frontmatter
Pages I - III
2. | Editorial Nurhan Eren Page IV
3. | Effect of Passive Music Therapy On Sleep Quality Among Elderly People Living in Nursing Home Nihan Altan Sarıkaya, Sıdıka Oğuz doi: 10.5505/phd.2016.05900 Pages 55 - 60
4. | Psychosocial Adjustment to Disease in Individuals with Diabetes Tuğçe Türten Kaymaz, Nuran Akdemir doi: 10.5505/phd.2016.50251 Pages 61 - 67
5. | Investıgatıng alexıthymıa and socıal support in patıents wıth hypertensıon and asthma Sibel Asi Karakaş, Elanur Yılmaz Karabulutlu, Rahşan Çevik Akyıl, Neşe Erdem, Gülcan Bahçecioğlu Turan doi: 10.5505/phd.2016.40085 Pages 68 - 74
6. | Alexithymia in depressive, anxiety, somatoform and psychotic disorders: A comparative study Arzu Yıldırım, Rabia Hacıhasanoğlu Aşılar, Tuba Hale Camcıoğlu, Ergün Sevinç doi: 10.5505/phd.2016.30074 Pages 75 - 81
7. | Analysis Of The Relationship Between Burden Of Caregivers Of Patients With Schizophrenia And Their Mental Health Conditions Pınar Harmancı, Zekiye Çetinkaya Duman doi: 10.5505/phd.2016.15870 Pages 82 - 86
8. | Aggressive tendencies of the nursing students and related factors Özlem Can Gürkan doi: 10.5505/phd.2016.19870 Pages 87 - 93
9. | Nursing Presence: A Theoretical Overview Saliha Bozdoğan Yeşilot, Fatma Öz doi: 10.5505/phd.2016.96967 Pages 94 - 99
10. | The Use of Theories In Psychiatric Nursing-II Tuğba Pehlivan, Perihan Güner doi: 10.5505/phd.2016.46036 Pages 100 - 104