1. | Frontmatter Pages I - III |
2. | Editorial Nurhan Eren Page IV |
3. | Effect of Passive Music Therapy On Sleep Quality Among Elderly People Living in Nursing Home Nihan Altan Sarıkaya, Sıdıka Oğuz doi: 10.5505/phd.2016.05900 Pages 55 - 60 INTRODUCTION: This study, as a one group pretest posttest quasi-experimental was conducted among nursing home residents to determine their quality of sleep and effect of passive musical therapy which is applied at bedtime on the quality of sleep. METHODS: The study constituted 31 elderly people who doesn’t have badly hearing impairment or memory problem, are capable of answering the questions by themselves and have had no dosage change with their current medicines during the research. Data were collected at the beginning of the research and after three weeks of passively musical therapy, by Questionnaire and Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Data were evaluated with; number, percentage, averages, Paired t test, Mann Whitney U test and Kruskal Wallis test. RESULTS: It was found that the average of the elderly people was 81.0±8.49, PSQI score before passive musical therapy was 5.19±1.75; PSQI score after passive musical therapy was 4.41±1.60. According to those results; subsequent passive musical therapy’s average of PSQI score was found lower than precedent passive musical therapy’s average of PSQI score (p=.03). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Consequently; it was found that passive musical therapy which is applied at bedtime on elderly people has positive effects on the quality of sleep. |
4. | Psychosocial Adjustment to Disease in Individuals with Diabetes Tuğçe Türten Kaymaz, Nuran Akdemir doi: 10.5505/phd.2016.50251 Pages 61 - 67 INTRODUCTION: The study has been conducted descriptively in order to determine the psychological adjustment of the diabetic patients to the disease. METHODS: The sample of the study consists of 122 patients who are inpatients in a university hospital in Ankara and who reported to the polyclinic of the same hospital. The research data has been collected by using the ''Patient Socio-demographic Data Sheet'' and ''Psychosocial Adjustment to Illness Scale-Self Report (PAIS-SR)'' and ''The Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support''. Mann Whitney U Test, Kruskal Wallis Test and Spearman Correlation Coefficient have been used as well the descriptive statistics in the evaluation of the research data. RESULTS: As the result of the study, it has been determinated that diabetic patients’ psychosocial adjustment score mean is 45±19.1. Orientation to health care, vocational environment, sexual relationships and psychological distress have been determineted as the areas where the psychosocial adjustment is mostly affected (p<0.05). Patient’s adjustment to illness has been determineted that %34.4 good adjustment, %29.5 medium adjustment and %36.1 bad adjustment. Patient’s educational status, patient’s job, range of coming to doctor control, diet and exercise situation affect the psychosocial adjustment (p>0.05). The age of the patient, diabetic year and oral antidiabetic use in addition to insulin do not affect the psychosocial adjustment (p>0.05). It has been found that as the social supports of the diabetic individuals increase, their total psychosocial adjustment as well as adjustment to the fields of orientation to health care, domestic environment, extended family relationships, social environment and psychological distress. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: In the result of the study, it has been determineted that psychosocial adjustment score of patients with diabets mellitus is medium. |
5. | Investıgatıng alexıthymıa and socıal support in patıents wıth hypertensıon and asthma Sibel Asi Karakaş, Elanur Yılmaz Karabulutlu, Rahşan Çevik Akyıl, Neşe Erdem, Gülcan Bahçecioğlu Turan doi: 10.5505/phd.2016.40085 Pages 68 - 74 INTRODUCTION: The aim of this descriptive study was to determine the relationship between alexithymia and social support in patients with hypertension and asthma. METHODS: The study population consisted patients diagnosed with asthma and hypertension, who admitted between April 1 -15 May 2011 to cardiology and pulmonology illness clinics in two hospitals located in the Province of Erzurum, Turkey. Thesampleconsisted of 191 hypertensionand 150 asthmapatients (341 patients) amongthesepatientswhoagreedtoparticipate in thisstudy. Personal information form, Toronto AlexithymiaScale (TAS-20), Perceived Social Support from Family and Friends Scale (PSS-Fa and PSS-Fr) was used for data collection. For evaluation of the data, percentage distributions, means, t-test and Pearson correlation analysis was used. RESULTS: In this study, significant relationships were found between levels of alexithymia and social support perceived by patients with hypertension from their friends and perceived social support perceived by patients with asthma from their families (p<0.001). In our study, lower alexithymia score averages were found to be correlated with the low perceived social support. As a result of the study, mean alexithymia scale score was found as 59.72±7.56, and the mean score in the difficulty-identifying-feelings sub-scale was 18.4±5.19 in the patients with hypertension; whereas, mean alexithymia scale score was 57.00±7.43, and the mean score in the difficulty-identifying-feelings sub-scale was found to be 15.28±4.40 in the patients with asthma. It was determined that mean alexithymia scale score and mean difficulty-identifying-feelings sub-scale score was found to be higher than of patients with asthma, and the difference was statistically significant. And, mean score of the social support perceived by patients with asthma from their families (11.83±3.75) was found to be lower compared to patients with hypertension (14.26±3.65), with a statistically significant difference. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: It may be concluded that low perceived social support of individuals with alexithymia. In line with these results, it is recommended to inform healtcare personnel about alexithymia, and to mobilize the social support systems which have a protective effect on mental health problems that may occur in chronic diseases. |
6. | Alexithymia in depressive, anxiety, somatoform and psychotic disorders: A comparative study Arzu Yıldırım, Rabia Hacıhasanoğlu Aşılar, Tuba Hale Camcıoğlu, Ergün Sevinç doi: 10.5505/phd.2016.30074 Pages 75 - 81 Objective: This study was conducted to compare the prevelance of alexithymia and to determine the differences in structure in patients with depressive, anxiety, somatoform and psychotic disorders. Method: The study was carried out between April and May 2013 with outpatients who were diagnosed with depressive (n=99), anxiety (n=76), somatoform (n=37), and psychotic (n=45) disorders under the DSM-IV-TR criteria and who were being monitored and treated at the outpatient psychiatry clinic of Erzincan State Hospital. The data were collected by the two psychiatrists using the face-to-face interview method which employed a questionnaire and the Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20) in the outpatient clinic environment. Results: It was found that alexithymic construct 55.6% of the psychotic ones, 45.9% of those with somatoform disorders, 43.4% of those with anxiety, 51.5% of the depressive patients. The TAS-20 average scores was significantly higher in psychotic patients; the Difficulties Identifying Feelings of the subscale average scores were found significantly lower in patients with somatoform disorders. Additionally The TAS-20 average scores in men, young, those with low year of education was determined to be significantly higher. Conclusion: The study demonstrated that all patient groups have structure of alexithymia, however the prevelance of alexithymia was higher in depressive and psychotic patients. Psychiatric nurses can provide a majo r contribution in improving patients’ quality of life through psychosocial interventions aiming at improved communication skills and insight. |
7. | Analysis Of The Relationship Between Burden Of Caregivers Of Patients With Schizophrenia And Their Mental Health Conditions Pınar Harmancı, Zekiye Çetinkaya Duman doi: 10.5505/phd.2016.15870 Pages 82 - 86 INTRODUCTION: The study was carried out in order to analyse the relations of the emotional, social, physical and economic burdens of the caregivers of schizophrenia diagnosed individuals. METHODS: The research was carried out between February 2009 - July 2010 Faculty of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, Unit of Psychosis and Izmir Schizophrenia Solidarity Association in which patients with schizophrenia are treated and monitored. The sample of the study consisted of 104 caregivers who are relevant for the inclusion criteria of the study. For the collection of data, schizophrenia patients and caregivers identifying properties questionnaires, 'General Health Questionnaire' (GHQ = General Health Question) and 'Family Burden Form' were used. Correlation analysis was used in order to research the relations between the burden sub-dimensions of the caregivers and their mental health conditions. RESULTS: İt was found that 86.5% of the caregivers have high risk of mental health problems. It was found that there is a middle level relation between the mental health of the caregivers and their emotional burden (r=.538; p<0.01), social burden (r=.586; p<0.01), physical burden (r=.524; p<0.01), economic burden (r=.529; p<0.01). It was determined that as the emotional, physical and economic burdens of the caregivers increase, their mental health problems increase. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: In the research it was found that the caregivers of the schizophrenia patients carry high risk for experiencing mental health problems, and their burdens affect their mental health conditions and as the burden of the caregivers increase, their mental health problems increase, too. Based on these results, it is seen that the caregivers of schizophrenia patients are risky group and it is important for them to be monitored for mental health problems. |
8. | Aggressive tendencies of the nursing students and related factors Özlem Can Gürkan doi: 10.5505/phd.2016.19870 Pages 87 - 93 INTRODUCTION: Objectives; the study was conducted to assess the aggressive tendencies of the nursing students and to investigate the risk factors that influence aggression. METHODS: Methods; The population of our descriptive and cross-sectional study consists of a total of 350 students studying at the nursing department of a university in Istanbul, and the sample, which is able to represent the population, involves 236 students chosen through simple random sampling, who were over 18 and volunteered to take part in the study. The data were obtained through questionnaire forms and the Aggression Inventory. The self-report technique was used during data collection. The statistical data analysis was performed using the chi-square test, the mann-whitney U test and the logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: Results; the aggression scores were found to be statistically significantly higher in males, those whose fathers used physical violence against their viwes, those who experienced physical violence by their parents and those who engaged in physical violence. At the end of the logistic regression analysis, experiencing physical violence from the mother, engaging in physical violence, being male, the existence of father’s physical violence against mother, the educational level of mother and father being low, and having two and more siblings were designated as risk factors for a high aggressive tendency. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Conclusion; in the light of our findings, it is recommended that the young be assessed in terms of the specified risks and training programmes be prepared towards nursing students who exhibit a high tendency for aggression. |
9. | Nursing Presence: A Theoretical Overview Saliha Bozdoğan Yeşilot, Fatma Öz doi: 10.5505/phd.2016.96967 Pages 94 - 99 Throughout the history concept of presence has been discussed in, psychology, philosophy and spritual area. First time in nursing area the concept of presence was mentioned mid 1960s and discussion continous up to now different definitions and classifications have been made from the different point of view. Concept of presence has been defined per following. According to well known writers in this area there are number of different definitions of presence concept for instance; a nurse voluntarily act on caring patients, focusing on the moment, being phsically available and delivering patients’ needs. In this rewiev aims to examine theoretically definition, classification and presence of nursing features in light of available literatüre. |
10. | The Use of Theories In Psychiatric Nursing-II Tuğba Pehlivan, Perihan Güner doi: 10.5505/phd.2016.46036 Pages 100 - 104 The use of theory in the mental health field can be traced to the eve of the year 1800. Later on, with the detection of biological causes of mental health problems’ formation, psychosocial theories and biological approaches began to be used together. Accordingly, some authors tried to define the theoretical framework of the psychiatric nursing and it has been expressed that the biological and psychosocial theories used in the mental health field can also be used in the field of psychiatry nursing. This article discusses how the theories that constitute the theoretical framework of psychiatric nursing can be used in the field of psychiatry nursing, through the perspectives of the authors of these theories. |