The relationship between attitude toward intimate partner violence and self-confidence among students of a university vocational school of health services [J Psy Nurs]
J Psy Nurs. 2022; 13(2): 168-176 | DOI: 10.14744/phd.2022.38257

The relationship between attitude toward intimate partner violence and self-confidence among students of a university vocational school of health services

Kübra Tan1, Gamze Akay2, Emre Erkal2
1İstanbul Medeniyet University, Institute of Graduate Education, İstanbul, Türkiye
2Artvin Çoruh University Health Services Vocational School, Artvin, Türkiye

INTRODUCTION: This study was designed to determine which factors affected the self-confidence and attitude toward intimate partner violence among university students and the correlation between the level of self-confidence and attitude toward intimate partner violence.
METHODS: A total of 1125 students at the vocational school for health professions of a public university were enrolled in this descriptive study. A personal information form, the Intimate Partner Violence Attitude Scale-Revised (IPVAS) and the Self-Confidence Scale (SCS) were administered to collect data. The methods of analysis used were the independent sample t-test, the Mann-Whitney U test, one-way analysis of variance, Pearson correlation analysis, and linear regression analysis.
RESULTS: The mean age of the students 20.73±1.79 years, the mean IPVAS score was 46.86±8.52, and the mean SCS score was 126.59±25.70. There was a significant negative correlation between the scale scores (r=-0.287; p<0.001). Low self-confidence was a predictor of a more accepting attitude toward intimate partner violence. A number of sociodemographic variables were observed to have an impact on the assessment scores.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Students with greater self-confidence displayed a more negative attitude toward intimate partner violence, while students who had less self-confidence indicated a more accepting or condoning attitude towards intimate partner violence. Initiatives to educate students about the negative effects of violence in relationships as well as efforts to increase self-confidence can serve as preventive measures and valuable training.

Keywords: Attitude, intimate partner violence, self-confidence, student, violence.

Corresponding Author: Kübra Tan, Türkiye
Manuscript Language: English
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