INTRODUCTION: It was aimed to investigate the level of sexual embarrassment and the affecting factors in married women applying to the obstetrics and gynecology outpatient clinic, and the effect of sexual embarrassment on sexual self-confidence, sexual satisfaction, and dyadic adjustment.
METHODS: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted between August 9 and October 17, 2022, with 528 married women. Descriptive Information Form, Sexual Self-Consciousness Scale embarrassment subscale, Sexual Self-Confidence Scale, New Sexual Satisfaction Scale, and Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale were used to collect data.
RESULTS: It was determined that the mean score of sexual embarrassment was moderate. It was found that the place of residence for the longest period of time being a town/village, not having social security, and not working positively predicted the mean sexual embarrassment score of women, while the age of the spouse predicted it negatively (p<0.01). It was found that the mean score of sexual embarrassment negatively effected the mean score of sexual self-confidence, sexual courage, sexual awareness, sexual self-disclosure, self and partner-centered sexual satisfaction, dyadic adjust-ment, dyadic satisfaction, and dyadic consensus (p<0.01).
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: It is suggested that women who apply to obstetrics and gynecology outpatient clinics to receive health care services may frequently experience sexual shyness, sexual shyness in these women may negatively affect women’s sexual life and couple harmony, therefore, sexual health education programs and effective sexual health counseling services should be provided to women by nurses together with their partners to maintain their sexual life, which is private and intimate for women, in a healthy way.