The correlation between depression with online game addiction among adolescents: Systematic review [J Psy Nurs]
J Psy Nurs. 2024; 15(1): 93-102 | DOI: 10.14744/phd.2024.01947

The correlation between depression with online game addiction among adolescents: Systematic review

Boby Nurmagandi1, Dwi Suratmini2
1Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Sulawesi Barat, West Sulawesi, Indonesia
2Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jakarta, West Java, Indonesia

INTRODUCTION: Depression is a mental health problem that many adolescents experience related to their immaturity of ability to manage emotions. This condition often makes adolescents seek escape through online games, thereby increasing the intensity of the game which can lead to addiction. This study aims to assess and describe the relationship between depression and online game addiction in adolescents based on the results of previous studies that have been summarized and examined.
METHODS: Searching for articles in this review using the Scopus, Proquest, and ClinicalKey databases were reviewed between January 2 and February 27, 2023. The inclusion criteria are (a) publication in 2019–2023; (b) publications in English; (c) available in full text; and (d) original research articles. The exclusion criteria in this study were (a) other documents in the form of book chapters, reviews, and conference proceedings and (b) qualitative research. The keywords in this literature identification were “depression” AND “online games” AND “addiction” AND “adolescent” OR “teenager” OR “youth.” The writing of this systematic review uses the PRISMA guidelines.
RESULTS: The findings of 11 studies reviewed show that depression can cause online game addiction in adolescents and conversely, depression experienced by adolescents can lead to online game addiction.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Depression has a reciprocal relationship with the incidence of online game addiction in adolescents. An effort is needed to improve effective coping skills for adolescents to prevent depression and online game addiction. Further research is regarding effective coping mechanisms to prevent depression and online game addiction in adolescents.

Keywords: Addiction, adolescent, depression, online games, teenager, youth.

Corresponding Author: Dwi Suratmini, Indonesia
Manuscript Language: English
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