1. | Front Matter Pages I - IV |
2. | Editorial Nurhan Eren, Nazmiye Kocaman Yıldırım Page V |
3. | The effect of conscious mindfulness-based program (MBP) applied to emergency nurses on their anxiety and quality of life: A randomized controlled study Behice Belkıs Çalışkan, Ayşegül Güneş, Yasemin Eda Tekin, Meryem Yıldız Ayvaz, Hamiyet Kızıl doi: 10.14744/phd.2024.48615 Pages 225 - 233 INTRODUCTION: This study aimed to examine the effect of a mindfulness-based program applied to nurses working in the emergency department on their anxiety and professional quality of life. METHODS: The study was conducted as a randomized controlled experimental study with 50 nurses working in the emergency department. Data were collected with a sociodemographic information form, state-trait anxiety ınventory (STAI), and quality of life scale for employees (ProQOL-30). Mindfulness-Based Program (FTP), which lasted for 8 weeks and was an application of 2.5 h/week, was applied to the experimental group. A pre-test before the application and a post-test after the application (1 week after the application was completed) were administered to the experimental and control groups. In evaluating the data, number, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Kurtosis, Skewness, Chi-Square, and Fisher’s exact tests were used. RESULTS: It was found that the STAI state and trait anxiety pre-test mean scores of emergency nurses were not significantly different between the experimental and control groups (p>0.05), but the STAI state anxiety post-test mean score was significantly lower in the experimental group (t=-3.527, p=0.01). In addition, no significant difference was detected between the ProQOL-30 scale general and all subscale pre-test scores of the experimental and control groups (p>0.05). In addition, while there was no significant difference between the ProQOL-30 scale general and sub-dimension pre-test and post-test scores of the control group (p>0.05), it was found that the ProQOL-30 general score average increased significantly after the application (t=-2.113). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: It was concluded that the mindfulness-based program is a program that reduces the anxiety levels of emergency room nurses and increases their work-life satisfaction levels. |
4. | The effect of the communication skill development psychoeducation based on Kolcaba’s comfort theory on the caring nurse–patient interaction Serap Güleç Keskin, Kübra Gülırmak Güler, Elif Güzide Emirza, Ercan Tunç doi: 10.14744/phd.2024.84555 Pages 234 - 242 INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of the Kolcaba theory-based communication skill development psychoeducation program on nursing students’ care-oriented nurse–patient interaction levels. METHODS: This study is an intervention research with pre-test–post-test pattern (without a control group). The sample of the study consisted of 27 nursing students who took the Mental Health and Diseases Nursing Intern Practice course at the Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing. After the pre-test, the students were given a total of five sessions of psychoeducation, one session each for 90–120 min each week. In addition, a session evaluation meeting was held after all sessions were completed. In addition, students’ opinions were taken in each session using psychoeducation group rules, characteristics of the psychoeducational group life program, goal-setting cards, individual goal-setting form, and session evaluation form. RESULTS: About 92.6% of the students participating in the study were female and the mean age was 21.74±0.76. The mean score of the “Care-Oriented Nurse-Patient Interaction Scale” score of the students before the education was calculated as 297.22±34.29 and as 329.14±22.46 after the education, and the difference was found to be statistically significant (p<0.005). At the same time, it was determined that the difference between the mean scores of all scale subdimensions before and after the education was significant (p<0.005). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Communication skills based on Kolcaba’s “Comfort Theory” and physical, environmental, sociocultural, and psychospiritual dimensions, which are among the theoretical-based applications, were found to be effective on students’ care-oriented nurse–patient interaction levels. |
5. | Examining the effect of music therapy on self-esteem, motivation, and perceived stress levels of outpatients with schizophrenia Belda Çağlayan, Satı Dil doi: 10.14744/phd.2024.54521 Pages 243 - 250 INTRODUCTION: This quasi-experimental study with a pre- and post-test design without a control group was aimed at investigating the effect of music therapy on the self-esteem, motivation, and perceived stress levels of patients with schizophrenia. METHODS: The study whose sample consisted of 30 patients with schizophrenia who were followed up and treated in a Community Mental Health Center (CMHC) in Türkiye was conducted in 2020. RESULTS: This study demonstrated that music therapy reduced stress levels and increased self-esteem and motivation levels in patients with schizophrenia (p<0.01). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: In line with these results, music therapy should be regularly implemented and integrated into routine therapies at CMHC s and psychiatric clinics. |
6. | Examining the level of codependency in caregivers of individuals with chronic mental illnesses Tuğba Aşkan, Burcu Ceylan doi: 10.14744/phd.2024.10846 Pages 251 - 261 INTRODUCTION: Anyone who has a relationship with patients with emotional/mental or chronic diseases can develop codependency. This study aims to determine the level of codependency and some related factors in the caregivers of individuals with chronic mental illnesses. METHODS: This descriptive and correlational study was carried out with the relatives of 379 patients with various mental illnesses. The data were obtained using the Information Form and the Codependency Assessment Tool (CODAT). RESULTS: The total mean score of the CODAT was found to be 58.42±12.71. Age, gender, educational status, perception of income status, marital status, state of closeness to the patient, status of having a chronic illness, exposure to violence, perception of commitment to the individual cared for and the personality characteristics of being lively/active, sensitive/emotional, self-confident, and anxious, and codependency mean scores were found statistically significant (p<0.05). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: It was found that the level of codependency was mild in the caregivers of individuals with chronic mental illnesses and codependency is associated with some characteristics of the caregiver. In addition to the health services provided to individuals with chronic mental illnesses, it is recommended to evaluate the caregivers, to determine the existing risk situations, and to provide early professional help. All these may allow the caregivers to protect their mental health and to support the independence of the individual with mental illness in the recovery process. |
7. | Suicide literacy levels of nursing students: A cross-sectional study Nihan Altan Sarıkaya, Nisa Akgün, Çisem Taş doi: 10.14744/phd.2024.91297 Pages 262 - 268 INTRODUCTION: Health-care professionals have difficulty identifying suicidal people because suicide is a complex phenomenon with multiple causes. Health-care professionals do not know enough about the symptoms and risk factors of suicide, making it hard to diagnose suicidal people. This study aimed to determine the suicide literacy level and factors affecting the suicide literacy of nursing students. METHODS: The descriptive and cross-sectional research was conducted with 463 nursing students studying at a state university. Research data were collected with the Personal Information Form and the literacy of suicide scale (LOSS). Data were evaluated with numbers, percentages, averages, Mann–Whitney U, and Kruskal–Wallis tests. RESULTS: The total score average of the LOSS of the students participating in the study was 10.93±3.42, and the scores they received from the “Signs/symptoms,” “Risk factors,” “Causes/triggers,” and “Treatment/prevention” subdimensions were 1.72±1.21, 3.14±1.33, 3.36±1.95, and 2.92±0.95, respectively. It was determined that there was a statistical relationship between the student’s level of knowledge about suicide and their age and that there was a significant difference according to the academic year, receiving psychological support, and knowing someone who had previously considered suicide/attempted suicide (p<0.05). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Nursing students have moderate suicide literacy. It is recommended that evidence-based suicide prevention training programs that will help nursing students recognize individuals at risk of suicide and intervene early should be included in detail in the curriculum contents and skills should be gained by applying clinical simulation and standard patient education methods. |
8. | Metaphors of postgraduate students for psychiatric nursing “Seeing yourself in the mirror”: A qualitative study Ege Miray Topcu, Mahire Olcay Çam doi: 10.14744/phd.2024.93195 Pages 269 - 275 INTRODUCTION: Psychiatric nursing is realized with the completion of postgraduate education in Türkiye. Individuals determine the field that they want to create and promote a professional identity in line with their personal and occupational goals. There is no study examining the perceptions of the nurses about the field they have chosen in Türkiye. This study was carried out to examine the metaphors of nurses continuing postgraduate education in the field of psychiatric nursing at a University for Psychiatric Nursing. METHODS: This study was conducted with phenomenology approach among qualitative research designs. Forty-seven postgraduate nursing students participated in the study. The data were collected by an Information Form and the metaphor sentence as “psychiatric nursing is like … because…” that questions the perceptions of nurses about psychiatric nursing between July and October 2021. RESULTS: In research, 37 different metaphors were identified among the answers examined. Terms such as mirror, observatory, tree root, stained glass, and dance were included among the metaphors. The metaphors were examined under six themes including titles such as “laboring,” “providing balance and integrity,” “understanding self and the other,” “accompanying,” “eternity/life,” and “rootedness.” It was observed that holistic, balancing, caring and accompanying aspects of nursing were emphasized through metaphors used by postgraduate students of psychiatric nursing. The frequent use of terms such as dance, color and music including artistic and esthetic elements has reflected the artistic aspect of psychiatric nursing. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The study provides data on specialization in psychiatric nursing nationally from a cultural and policy perspective. |
9. | The relationship between insight and quality of life in patients with schizophrenia Zeynep Güngör, Özlem Şahin Altun doi: 10.14744/phd.2024.71084 Pages 276 - 285 INTRODUCTION: The study was conducted to determine the relationship between insight and quality of life levels of individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia. METHODS: The data of this descriptive and correlational study were collected at a community mental health center (CMHC) in a province located in the Black Sea Region of Türkiye between February 2021 and July 2021. The population of the study consisted of 224 patients who were registered to the CMHC and diagnosed with schizophrenia according to DSM-V diagnostic criteria between the specified dates. According to the sample calculation for a known population, the minimum number of people to be included in the sample was calculated as 141 (confidence interval: 95%, margin of error: 5%). However, considering the possibility of withdrawals and/or losses during the study, we decided to include more people. Thus, the study was completed with 148 patients who volunteered to participate in the study and met the inclusion criteria. The three tools used to collect the data were the “Sociodemographic Data Form” prepared by the researcher, “Birchwood Insight Scale (BIS),” and “Quality of Life Scale for Patients with Schizophrenia (QLSPS).” Data were analyzed using the Statistical Program for the Social Sciences 22. In the analysis of the data, the Shapiro–Wilk test was used to determine whether the data were normally distributed. In the analysis of the data, numbers, arithmetic mean, percentile distributions, and standard deviation were used. While Pearson’s correlation analysis was used to determine the relationship between the scales, the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was used to calculate the reliability coefficients of the scales. RESULTS: According to the study findings, the mean scores the patients obtained from the overall BIS and the QLSPS were 4.16±1.63 and 76.93±14.84, respectively. According to the analysis of the relationship between the sub-dimensions of the BIS and the sub-dimensions of the QLSPS, there was a negative and weak correlation between the mean scores obtained from the overall BIS and its Being Aware of the Symptoms and Being Aware of the Disease sub-dimensions and the mean scores obtained from the overall QLSPS and its interpersonal relationships sub-dimension. There was a negative, significant, and weak correlation between the mean score for the overall BIS and the mean scores for the occupational role, daily use of belongings, and activities sub-dimensions of the QLSPS (p<0.05). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The patients had a low level of insight and a high level of quality of life. A relationship was determined between the mean scores the participants obtained from the BIS and the mean scores that they obtained from the QLSPS. |
10. | The effect of mindfulness-based group skill training for mothers who have children with intellectual disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic: A feasibility study Merve Inan Budak, Gül Ünsal doi: 10.14744/phd.2024.91489 Pages 286 - 297 INTRODUCTION: This study aimed to assess the effects of mindfulness-based skill training on stress, cognitive emotion regulation (CER), and mindfulness levels in these mothers. METHODS: The study was conducted in Türkiye and is a single-arm, mixed-method feasibility study. Thirty-one mothers were given a 6-week online mindfulness-based group skill training. Although the study started with 43 mothers, it was completed with 31 mothers due to drop-outs (5) and a lack of follow-up (7) measurements and analyses were made. Perceived stress scale (PSS), mindfulness attention awareness scale and CER scale were used in the study. RESULTS: The study had a strong recruitment rate of 71.66%. A statistically significant difference was found in the PSS scores of the participants at the pretest and post-test. There was no statistically significant difference between baseline and follow-ups in the Mindful attention awareness scale score and CER questionnaire score. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: It can be noted that the mindfulness-based skill training program given online during the COVID-19 period is effective in reducing the stress levels of mothers of children with intellectual disabilities. |
11. | Psychiatric competencies of general emergency nurses: A cross-sectional study Sara Khandanpoor, Marjan Hajfiroozabadi, Zahra Tayebi doi: 10.14744/phd.2024.70457 Pages 298 - 304 INTRODUCTION: The increase of psychiatric emergency visits to general emergency departments and the necessity of competent providers in terms of knowledge, skill, and ability is even more evident. This study was conducted to investigate the competencies of general emergency nurses in dealing with psychiatric emergencies in the hospitals of Alborz University of Medical Sciences in 2022. METHODS: In this descriptive-cross-sectional study, 227 nurses were included in the study through census method. The data were collected and analyzed through a psychometric questionnaire consisting of four sections frequency, importance, self-efficacy, and educational need assessment. RESULTS: The results showed that the average rating score of frequency was 2.04±0.75, importance was 2.37±0.84, and self-efficacy was 2.14±0.76. Work experience in psychiatric emergencies and the frequency of exposure and care of psychiatric patients were related to importance and self-efficacy scores. There was a positive and significant relationship between frequency and importance with self-efficacy. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The ranking of the importance, self-efficacy, and frequency of the competencies required in dealing with psychiatric emergencies in the nurses of this study was moderate. According to the role of demographic variables, rotating shifts of public emergency nurses in psychiatric departments and designing relevant educational interventions are suggested. |
12. | The impact of parental attitudes on alexithymia in children with chronic diseases Edanur Tar Bolacalı, Sibel Küçükoğlu doi: 10.14744/phd.2024.81905 Pages 305 - 315 INTRODUCTION: This paper investigated the effect of parental attitudes on alexithymia in children with chronic diseases. METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted at the pediatric outpatient clinics of a state hospital in the southern and central regions of Turkey. The study population consisted of 256 children with chronic diseases. Data were collected using a personal information form, the parental attitudes scale (PAS), and the alexithymia questionnaire for children (AQC). The data were analyzed using a t-test, analysis of variance, and logistic regression. All stages of the study adhered to ethical principles. RESULTS: Participants had a mean AQC score of 20.07±5.83. They had a mean PAS “strictness/supervision,” “acceptance/involvement,” and “psychological autonomy” subscale score of 30.75±2.55, 28.03±3.89, and 21.13±4.09, respectively. The PAS “acceptance/involvement” subscale score was negatively correlated with the AQC total score and “difficulty identifying feelings” and “difficulty describing feelings” subscale scores (p<0.05). The regression analysis showed that the independent variables explained 20.1% of the dependent variable. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: In the study, it was determined that the children’s alexithymia level was above the medium level. It was determined that the difficulty identifying feelings, difficulty describing feelings, and alexithymia decreased with the increase in acceptance/ involvement, which indicates the democratic attitude commonly adopted by parents. |
13. | Examining the relationship between internet addiction and social safeness and pleasure level in nursing students Merve Kızılırmak Tatu, Berfin Duman doi: 10.14744/phd.2023.76892 Pages 316 - 326 INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between internet addiction and social safeness and pleasure level in nursing students. METHODS: This study was design as a descriptive-cross-sectional and correlational study. The study was carried out in a state university nursing department between March 01, 2022, and June 10, 2022. The population of the study consists of nursing students (n=979). The sample consisted of 563 students. “Personal Information Form,” “Young’s Internet Addiction Test-Short Form (YIAT-SF)” and “Social Safety and Pleasure Scale” were used to collect the data. RESULTS: In the present study, it was found that the students’ YIAT-SF mean score was 27.47±8.99, and their Social Safeness and Pleasure Scale mean score was 30.17±8.43. Those who were 2nd-year students, had an average internet usage time of 5–9 h and more than 10 h, did not have a personal computer, and considered the time they spent on the internet more had higher internet addiction levels, and lower social safeness and pleasure levels; on the other hand, those who were younger than 20 years old, were staying in dormitories and houses with their friends, and evaluated their income status as moderate or low, had lower social safeness and pleasure levels; on the other hand, the level of internet addiction was higher for men and those living with their families. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: A negative significant correlation was found between internet addiction and social safeness and pleasure. As internet addiction increased, the level of social safeness and pleasure decreased. |
14. | Barriers to Caregiver preparedness from the perspective of family caregivers and healthcare providers of people with schizophrenia: A qualitative study Azadeh Eghbal Manesh, Asghar Dalvandi, Mohammad Zoladl doi: 10.14744/phd.2024.39260 Pages 327 - 335 INTRODUCTION: Caring for people with schizophrenia is the most challenging condition for their families. Family caregivers encounter broad-spectrum problems by a lack of caregiving preparedness. Therefore, this study aims to identify the barriers to caregiving preparedness from the perspective of family caregivers and health-care providers of people with schizophrenia. METHODS: Twenty semi-structured interviews were conducted by nine family caregivers and four health-care providers of people with schizophrenia selected by purposive sampling in Iran. After explaining our goals and obtaining permission, we recorded their voices, transcribed them for each session, analyzed them, and evaluated their trustworthiness. RESULTS: The theme of “Barriers to caregiver preparedness” emerged from the data in three main categories: Encountering the crisis of the unknown, mental health inequalities in society, and role confusion. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: These findings highlighted the contextual factors that result in family caregivers’ unpreparedness. Identifying these factors can help the healthcare providers appraise the caregivers for later interventions and assist the health policymakers in overcoming these barriers. |
15. | The effectiveness of the illness management and recovery program in individuals with schizophrenia: A systematic review Gülten Uzun, Neslihan Lök doi: 10.14744/phd.2024.90018 Pages 336 - 347 INTRODUCTION: One of the interventions to increase the functionality of individuals with schizophrenia, to ensure illness self-management, and to achieve recovery goals is the Illness Management and Recovery (IMR) Program. This study is a systematic review to determine the effects of the IMR program applied to individuals with schizophrenia. METHODS: The search was conducted on PubMed, Wiley Online Library, Science Direct, Ovid, Cochrane Library, Web of Science, Springer Link, Ulakbim Turkish Medical Directory, and Turkish Medline databases using three Turkish and three English keywords. The 197 studies accessed were evaluated in accordance with the PRISMA 2020 guideline and inclusion–exclusion criteria. As a result of the evaluation, four articles were included in the review. RESULTS: It was observed that one of the articles was quasi-experimental, two of them were experimental studies with pre-test and post-test control groups, and one was a randomized controlled follow-up study. The articles were assessed in terms of sample properties, the measurement tools used, application properties, and received results. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: As a result of the assessment, the program was observed to have positive effects on the general functionality, activity in self-management, quality of life, life satisfaction, daily life in community life, self-efficacy in social relationships, total psychiatric symptoms, positive symptoms, lack of insight and judgment, social functionality, IMR levels, and left superior temporal gyrus and left inferior frontal gyrus cortical thicknesses of individuals with schizophrenia. In line with these results, it is recommended that nurses who care for individuals with schizophrenia include the program in their daily care to decrease the negative effects of the disease, contribute to the IMR of the patients, and increase their functionality. In addition, it is recommended that psychiatric nurses plan and implement the program and take an active part in new studies with high evidence value. |
16. | Quality of life among Indonesian school-aged children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: A concept analysis Fauzan Saputra, Eka Sutrisna, Arista Ardilla, Fauziah Fauziah doi: 10.14744/phd.2024.34438 Pages 348 - 356 This concept analysis aimed to clarify the conceptual significance of quality of life (QoL) among school-aged children diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The concept analysis framework developed by Walker and Avant was utilized to examine the notion of QoL in Indonesian school-aged children with ADHD by searching three databases (Google Scholar, PubMed, and PsycINFO). A comprehensive analysis of 14 selected relevant studies was conducted. The model case was provided to define the concept of QoL in school-aged children with ADHD, followed by additional cases such as borderline, related, and contrary cases. The key characteristics of the concept of QoL about children with ADHD include (1) the subjective perception of both children and their parents regarding the children’s life experiences with ADHD; (2) the ability of children and their parents to identify and assess the satisfaction levels in various aspects of the children’s lives, including physical, emotional, social, and academic domains; and (3) the existence of measures that can be used to evaluate the perception of QoL in children with ADHD by children and their parents. Perceptions of both parents and children are essential to understanding the concept of QoL among school-aged children with ADHD. Therefore, the existing instrument can be used, but the nursing interventions of QoL for Indonesian children may need to be developed by targeting parents and children. |